
Sunday 16 October 2011

It's a bit of a guilty pleasure in upcycling circles to enjoy repurposed books. I don't know why, I can't find anyone who will say why, it just seems to feel a bit ...wrong.  I personally love it when it's done well (and I've seen some horrors that have made me cringe, not because of the use of a book but because of the terrible design or the awful execution of the idea).  The thoughtful transformation of a book from a literary to a visual or design piece of art does something wonderful to me, it makes me catch my breath, exhale it sharply, or swear under it that I didn't think of that.   Ryuta Iida from Japan ticks all of the breathometer boxes, in fact he make me want to cry, the way you might when you take in a stunning landscape or an act of kindness. Su Blackwell is a London based artist, she borrows from fairy stories and folk lore to create striking 3D sculptures.  Some of her work is a bit whimsical for my taste but these fabulous butterfly swarms are right up my street.

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